Building data-driven organizations with modern data platforms

Leverage modern data solutions with Nagarro 

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Businesses must make their data transparent, reliable, and accessible to derive actionable insights and explore new growth opportunities. With the rapidly growing volume and data complexity, it's becoming increasingly difficult to glean actionable insights. Organizations need to modernize their data platforms and improve data management processes to keep up with the data growth.

Nagarro helps you leverage modern data solutions to streamline processes, gain deep insights, and make smarter business decisions. Our data services allow you to gather data from various sources and make it accessible through easy-to-use and intuitive dashboards/reports. With enterprise-level analytics, self-service enablement, and an end-to-end governance framework, you'll easily make effective decisions.

Data engineering platform

Gain faster data analysis, simplified data management, improved data quality and security. Enable data-driven decision making. 


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Data engineering platform

Gain faster data analysis, simplified data management, improved data quality and security. Enable data-driven decision making. 


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what we offer

Data mesh

Data mesh breaks a centralized data platform into smaller chunks categorized by domains. These decentralized teams are responsible for managing, owning, and serving their domain data as products. Data mesh brings domain-based data ownership that increases accountability, leading to higher data quality and faster use-case implementation. It makes data discoverable and easily accessible across the organization. Data mesh can solve many challenges posed by centralized data architecture. However, does it meet your organizational needs

Knowing and understanding the tradeoff between the efforts of implementation and its benefits is essential. It requires a comprehensive assessment and approach to ingest, process, govern, and consume data. Nagarro has helped multiple customers by performing data mesh assessment and implementation to shift from monolithic to domain-driven implementations.

Modern data platforms_data mesh solutions

Data lakehouse

Data lakehouse combines the best elements of data lakes and data warehouses. It delivers data management and performance of a data warehouse with low-cost, flexible object stores of a data lake. It simplifies the architecture by eliminating data silos that traditionally separated data analysts and data scientists by adopting a multi-layered approach and providing a unified platform with a single source of truth. The advantages include improved data latency, providing a unified platform that brings data scientists, data analysts, and business users on a single platform, facilitating fine-grained data governance, and improving data utilization across the organization.

Modern data platforms_data lakehouse solutions

Data Fabric

An end-to-end data management solution that offers a unified architecture with integrated technologies to effectively integrate data from disparate data sources by adopting data virtualization. It allows organizations to build a holistic data view by pulling data from legacy systems, data lakes, warehouses, databases, cloud platforms, apps, and more. Data fabric helps create a unified active metadata repository to explore data characteristics through graphical navigation while implementing data governance and security that assures quality and makes data safely available.

Modern data platforms_data fabric solutions

Centralized or decentralized, which approach is correct for your requirements?

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Get your organization’s data assessed to determine if it requires optimization of its centralized data architecture or if it should undergo transformation to modern data solutions such as Data Mesh, Data Lakehouse, and Data Fabric by moving away from centralized data management. 


featured success stories view all

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Implementing data mesh architecture to create a data-driven enterprise

Enabling self-service analytics, improving data scalability, and optimizing operational efficiency

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Data mesh email banner

Building a data-driven enterprise with data fabric architecture

unified data platform and governed environment to maximize data value.

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Data fabric architecture banner-min

Initiating data-driven decision-making with a Data Lakehouse solution

Building a Data Lakehouse solution on Azure and Databricks for better reporting, visualization, and insights

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Building a Data Lakehouse solution on Azure and Databricks for better reporting, visualization, and insights_tile
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Transform into a data-driven organization with modern data platforms