Oh My God: What made OeMAG go ‘OMG!’

Load balancing for over 50,000 virtual users within 10 seconds

In the heart of Austria, OeMAG, the clearing and settlement agent for Ökostrom, plays a pivotal role for players in the Austrian energy sector, with a particular focus on renewable energy. As the interface between energy producers, grid operators, electricity traders and end consumers, OeMAG is tasked with processing state subsidies for renewable energies with impeccable precision and speed. To tackle the relentless demand and ensure their subsidy management platform could handle peak loads efficiently, OeMAG partnered with Nagarro, leveraging their expertise and trust built over years.

The Challenge

OeMAG faces a tidal wave of applications for subsidies each year, with applicants racing against the clock to secure their share. This surge puts immense pressure on their web application and underlying infrastructure, demanding flawless performance and reliability.

  • Application surge: OeMAG regularly experiences massive spikes in user activity during tight submission deadlines.
  • Infrastructure strain: The web application and its underlying infrastructure face the challenge of coping smoothly with this onslaught. This requires continuous performance and reliable functionality.
  • Rigorous testing: Intensive load tests to simulate real-world scenarios, ensuring resilience and robustness.
A man working on a laptop looking at data

The Solution

Nagarro meticulously mapped out OeMAG’s ticketing processes and recreated them using NeoLoad’s advanced simulation capabilities. The approach was a symphony of efficiency:

  • Detailed simulations: We used NeoLoad to precisely mimic real-world conditions, ensuring high accuracy.
  • Distributed load generators: Nagarro orchestrated up to 100 load generators across Europe via a robust cloud infrastructure, achieving swift and comprehensive test execution.
  • Expert analysis: A team of application, network, and system experts analyzed test results, informing strategic decisions and optimizations.
  • Continuous improvement: Our solution also involved continuous analysis and refinement based on test outcomes, ensuring optimal performance.
a globe representing data

The Benefits



An icon represeting expert team
Expert team
Thanks to years of successful collaboration, OeMAG enjoys the security of an experienced team of experts who have mastered the intricacies of its systems.
An icon representing rapid load distribution
Rapid load distribution
With the ability to distribute the load of over 50,000 virtual users in just 10 seconds, OeMAG now has the flexibility it needs to manage the performance of its platform.
An icon representing benchmarking
Standardizing on the NeoLoad tool provides the added benefit of benchmarking against previous ticket tests, allowing for insightful comparisons and informed decisions.
an icon representing quick analysis
Quick analysis
Thanks to the tool's expertise and user-friendly functionality, OeMAG's team can analyze test runs within seconds, allowing them to react swiftly and optimize continuously.

OeMAG Board Member
Horst Brandlmaier says,

"We are very proud of how effectively and smoothly OeMAG overcame the enormous challenges. Our team has consistently proven itself and stood firm under pressure, and the result speaks for itself: not only were we able to issue tens of thousands of contracts within a few days, but we were also able to process an impressive number of tickets in record time."


OeMAG Board Member
Gerhard Röthlin says,

"These achievements are a testament to the strength and efficiency of our organization, and we are constantly investing in improving systems and processes. Since this year, there has been a new EAG funding portal that offers the best possible service to green electricity plant operators."
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OeMAG Board Member
Horst Brandlmaier says,

"We are very proud of how effectively and smoothly OeMAG overcame the enormous challenges. Our team has consistently proven itself and stood firm under pressure, and the result speaks for itself: not only were we able to issue tens of thousands of contracts within a few days, but we were also able to process an impressive number of tickets in record time."


OeMAG Board Member
Gerhard Röthlin says,

"These achievements are a testament to the strength and efficiency of our organization, and we are constantly investing in improving systems and processes. Since this year, there has been a new EAG funding portal that offers the best possible service to green electricity plant operators."

Numbers that matter

600K tickets
have been generated in the EAG portal since 2022 by plant operators interested in investment grants, highlighting the significant demand for these grants.
58,184 tickets
were drawn within a mere five minutes. The first funding call of 2023 saw a massive rush, placing immense strain on the IT systems.
100K tickets
were submitted within just one hour that further emphasizes the intensity of the 2023 funding call. and the OeMAG IT system successfully handled the surge.