Fueling Nagarro’s growth story with MS Dynamics 365

Nagarro is one of the fastest-growing digital engineering companies in the world, with an ever-growing network of people. Our employee strength grew rapidly, going up from 10,000 in 2021 to 18,250 in 2022. A growing organization needs innovative technology to ensure agility, efficiency and to meet it's evolving needs.
As we enter our next growth phase, we needed to upgrade our existing Human Resource Management System (HRMS). Our in-house Microsoft team conceptualized and implemented an MS Dynamics 365-powered solution that significantly reduced the time for the onboarding process, cut operational costs, and ensured data security. 

Business benefits after implementing the MS Dynamics 365-powered solution



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The time required to set up a new legal entity came down from 8-10 days to 2 days.

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Preparation time for employee onboarding templates is down from three days to a single day during M&A via automation. 

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The time for implementing the separation (resignation) process has reduced from three months to two weeks.

Solution for a rapid global expansion & growth 

In the 2022 financial year, Nagarro expanded its global presence to 33 countries, incorporating legal entities in Ecuador, Colombia, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Portugal, and Spain. It opened offices in seven new cities, and did two acquisitions, adding locations in Philippines, India and the USA.
This magnified global presence required setting up multiple new legal entities and integrating them into existing systems and processes, as each country has its own set of policies and configurations, adding to the complexity.
Nagarro dealt with this massive international growth by replacing their existing HRIS solution with Microsoft Dynamics 365. The time taken to create a new legal entity has come down to two days from an earlier period of 8-10 days.
Solution for rapid global expansion and growth | Nagarro
"A truly global company requires a truly global HR system, and a truly efficient company requires an HR system that both simplifies HR administration and allows its data to be leveraged easily by other applications. Among all the HRIS systems we evaluated, Microsoft Dynamics 365 HRMS promised to tick all these boxes, and it has delivered on that promise."
Manas Human, Co-founder, Nagarro
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Revamping employee onboarding and offboarding processes

Rapid expansion through legal entities was just one aspect of the company's growth. Besides that, a continuously growing and expanding employee network demanded an efficient and smooth onboarding and offboarding processes for better employee management and to deliver a great employee experience, enforcing their "CARING" brand values. A robust new HRIS turned out to be the solution.
Setting the right onboarding experience was crucial to set a precedence for "CARING." The onboarding of new employees on the HRIS was swift in our earlier system. However, the new system significantly reduced the time for pre-onboarding processes for the HR team. “While it used to take three to four minutes to onboard one person in the earlier system, it has now reduced to 15-30 minutes for onboarding a batch of 500 employees,” said Ashok Thomas, Data and Systems, Nagarro. The new system further ensured data consistency that helped eliminate the contingencies in the pending separation cases.
The time taken for implementing the separation (resignation) process has reduced from three months to two weeks. Earlier, the system sometimes took longer to factor in the resignation leading to data inconsistency on the attrition dashboard.
Remodeling of employee onboarding and offboarding processes | Nagarro
"We chose MS Dynamics 365 as our global HRIS as it allows flexibility of configuration, scalability, and ease of administration. The system has been in use for a couple of months now, and it has met all our expectations. The new HRIS is a very stable and reliable system, and we are already seeing a very high level of adoption amongst the HR community. Our in-house MS Dynamics team ensured a smooth implementation and their continued support has been invaluable. As we step into the next phase of Nagarro’s growth, this HRIS will be pivotal in ensuring seamless HR processes across geographies."
Ashok Thomas, Data and Systems, Nagarro
Ashok Thomas-

Streamlined employee feedback process

As an organization that encourages the voice of the employees, Nagarro wanted a system where they could create and maintain records of documents shared by the employees and clients related to feedback, praise, complaints, preferences, and constraints, in all confidentiality. A process for employee feedback is reinvented in the new MS Dynamics-powered system to maintain the confidentiality of documents on employee feedback.

The teams working on the new system reported improved data ingestion into the system and ease of information extraction. Fetching information to generate and implement reports is now much easier. “Another big advantage of the new system is that we can capture information on employees in the local context. It accepts social security numbers in the US and Aadhaar cards in India for getting basic employee details, and it was done while adhering to the required GDPR requirements," said Ashok.

Streamlined employee feedback process | Nagarro

Pros of using MS Dynamics 365




A licensing model aligned with usage requirements.

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Improved data ingestion into the system and information extraction from the system became easy.

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Configurable system to meet varying local and global HR requirements. GDPR compliant.

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Scalability to support rapid growth.

Into the future 

As a company witnessing both organic and inorganic growth, we needed a robust platform for employee information management that could ensure data reliability. The new MS Dynamics 365 solution helped us develop technological readiness in HR across geographies.

With a growing employee base and continuing acquisitions, the configurability and customization features of the new system will be increasingly used. The system will go through configuration occasionally to serve the needs of the new legal entities we onboard. With two legal entities being integrated in the coming quarters, we are excited to further benefit from the newly implemented MS Dynamics 365 solution.

Into the future with MS Dynamics | Nagarro